Saturday 11 December 2010

The Adventures of Lurit Crazysparks, part IV: Back to Adventure

3rd of Limestone, 683

After two weeks of boredom I already miss the adventuring life. Travelling the wilds with my companions, battling beasts both terrible and venerable, being hailed as a hero by the peasants. The danger, the excitement! Ahh, how I miss them.

About a week ago I head rumours of a ettin lair to the northwest and decided to find my old companions and see who wants to go back to adventuring.

Wednesday 1 December 2010

The Adventures of Lurit Crazysparks, part III: The Cactus of Twilight

12th of Galena, 683

Lurit Crazysparks the Corteous Decay of Sacrifices is how I’m known throughout these savage lands. I’m known for killing terrible beasts and creatures of darkness that wander the lands murdering people and spreading terror. I’ve been helping the peoples of the Rustic Confederacy, in my travels along the coast of Strabo Uktang, the Ocean of Crypts.

Monday 29 November 2010

The Adventures of Lurit Crazysparks, part II: Serving Lady Hoistled

5th of Galena, 683

It was raining when we stopped in a small hamlet in Gomathfikuk, the Legendary Fields, named Sculptedmartyred. We haven’t seen any signs of civilization ever since we left Heavensriddled, and it is quite refreshing to spend a night indoors again.

Now that the jungles of Rabab Ngosted are behind us, we will have to cross Edtulsebshos, the Grooved Mire. The people of Sculptedmartyred say that savage beasts call the mire home. Snailmen roam freely out there, told us a local trader.

Friday 26 November 2010

The Adventures of Lurit Crazysparks, part I: Hags, Bandits, and a Lady

9th of Malachite, 683

Cobar the butcher asked me to seek Gosmer Ngalak, the Umbra of Abysses, and kill Ameli Eaglescarred, the groom of the twilight hag. Apparently, the vile fiend had already killed four of the townspeople of Wardedbasic. He told me to head west, across Bostu Strasnu, the Hill of Thundras, and that the creature’s lair was about a day’s travel away.