Saturday 11 December 2010

The Adventures of Lurit Crazysparks, part IV: Back to Adventure

3rd of Limestone, 683

After two weeks of boredom I already miss the adventuring life. Travelling the wilds with my companions, battling beasts both terrible and venerable, being hailed as a hero by the peasants. The danger, the excitement! Ahh, how I miss them.

About a week ago I head rumours of a ettin lair to the northwest and decided to find my old companions and see who wants to go back to adventuring.

The two women, Ilpi and Ibon, sword and spear, I found garrisoned in the keep at Furtiled, serving under Lady Hoistled’s orders. It didn’t take much to convince the Lady to release them from her service to wander the lands with me. My past deeds have earned me great respect.

One of the soldiers there told us of a rumour that Adil had settled down in Bronzemiles, the small town near Goodace were we spent the night once during our travels together. Heading back to Bronzemiles we stopped at Goodace, the capital. Isdi was there, and when he learned we were going to travel together again he decided to join us. Even though he lost his left arm in the fight against the titan, he says he wants to continue battling the forces of evil while he can still hold his silver maul. And trust me, he can. Greeneyes Temptedconvents, the one who struck the killer blow was with him and joined us, already looking forward to slay another mighty beast.

We continued on to Bronzemiles and found not only Adil, but also Eko Paddlepulled, a pikeman that helped us against the emaciated creature Lozu Faintphantom, almost two months ago. Eko was working in The Special Lances, a weapons store in Bronzemiles, but as soon as he saw us, he quit his job and joined us.

And now the band is together again, one month after slaying the swamp titan.

4th of Limestone, 683

We reached the ettin’s lair by dawn. The lair was inside a cavern on a small hill in the Grooved Mire, by a place called Apexsing the Special Torches.

And that was were we faced together the two-headed giant known as Iddor Emadegul Ison Merir, the killer of Queen Unib Gleamedpaddles of the Long Pillars and countless others.

The fighting was fierce and bloody. When the giant crushed Eko’s skull with a single punch, our resolve started faltering. Such an unglorious ending for Eko. He should have kept his job in Bronzemiles.

We were fighting in a cramped long corridor that led deep into the giant’s lair, and he kept trying to grab us with his powerful hands. It managed to grab at Isdi’s left leg and break it like it was glass. I swung my axe at his arm and the giant took it back in pain, but it was already to late for Isdi’s leg.

It grabbed my hood with his other hand, and my axe delivered it the same fate as the other. After that he went for Isdi’s legs again and broke the poor hammerman’s other leg. Laying down on the ground, Isdi fell unconscious.

The five of us still standing kept fighting and dodging his blows, until he grabbed my head by my helmet and tried to crush my skull. As he lifted me up I took a shot at one of his heads but the blow didn’t land as well as I expected. The fiend riposted by punching my left arm and breaking my humerus, causing me a great deal of pain and dropping me into the ground. I still managed to slash at one of his legs before I too fell unconscious.

I don’t know how long it was until I awoke for a short second and saw Greeneyes twisting his sword around in the ettin’s abdomen. The pain was still great and I fell back into the darkness before I could do anything.

I woke up again while the battle was still going on. Ilpi was bashing the giant’s chest with her shield with such strength it probably broke some of his ribs, while Adil stabbed the left head with his halberd. The beast was retching from the wounds Greeneyes’ sword inflicted in his stomach, and helplessly trying to dodge everyone’s blows. Eko was dead and Isdi still unconscious, but our hopes of victory were up once more.

I hacked at his arms with my axe, trying to maim them before they could do any more harm. A few lucky punches from Iddor’s giant fists could turn the tide of battle again and get us all killed. It ignored my blows and furiously grabbed Isdi’s head with his left mouth, and shaked her unconscious body all around almost knocking Greeneyes down.

I seized the opportunity to jump to his back and grabbed his right throat with all my strength. Fighting to get me off his back, he released the grip on Isdi’s body and lowered his guard for a moment. Ibon stabbed him in his lower body, Adil slashed a tendon in his left neck, and the giant finally lost his strength and bled to death, falling face down with me on his back still choking one of his throats.

Despite the heavy injuries he sustained, Isdi was still alive after the fight, but deep into unconsciousness and a little pale. Of those still standing I was the only one that suffered injury. Ibon took care of my broken arm and Isdi’s wounds and we rested for a couple of hours. Isdi eventually woke up and survived, at least for now.

Several bodies, pieces of clothing, and armor were strewn all over the cavern. Iddor must have taken the dwarven queen’s treasure for himself when he killed her, for there were plenty of coins of various mints all around. I grabbed his right head right ear as proof of us slaying him and we left the cavern sometime around noon.

We crossed the Grooved Mire back to the Moist Fields and spent the night in Bronzemiles.

5th of Limestone, 683

Morning came and we left Bronzemiles headed to the capital of the Confederacy. A friend of Eko from Bronzemiles came with us, hoping to see the world and slaying a great beast in honor of his friend. She was an armorer, and went by the name Sizet Wealthhounds and we accepted her as we accepted Eko.

In Goodace we once again enjoyed Lord Ala’s hospitality. One of his soldiers told us of an emaciated creature that had settled a day’s travel southwest of Goodace. We wouldn’t refuse releasing people from this creature’s hanging shadow, but Lord Ala had a greater task for us. He wanted us to kill Cakuth Thunderedstorms the Misty Cuts, a minotaur hidden deep inside the mazes of Bittencats the Esteemed Manges. We promised to try to deal with both and left after a great lunch meal in our honor. I didn’t want Sizet to fight a minotaur without any previous combat experience and that’s why we headed across the Moist Fields to deal with the Lomoth the emaciated creature first.

6th of Limestone, 683

We fought Lomoth before lunch. We are all very good fighters, except for the rookie Sizet, and the night creature had little chances against us. Sizet got a few bruises but nothing serious. Me and Ibon we got a couple of scratches, but I have survived worse.

We went to grab the few coins left by Lomoth’s previous kills and found another emaciated creature inside the cavern! It caught us by surprise and before I decapitated it, this murderous beast managed to break both Greeneyes and Adil’s left legs and to bite my left arm severing a tendon.

We double checked to make sure there wasn’t any other beast inside the cave and then tended our wounds. We had lunch inside the cavern and decided to wait until tomorrow morning before travelling again. We will need all our strength to fight the minotaur.

In the 7th of Limestone of 683, a couple of hours weast of Bronzemiles, Lurit’s party was ambushed by the Contained Keys, local bandits led by Eve Yelldate. The ambush turned into a blood bath and both sides lost many. Of Lurit’s companions, Adil Dinnerferries, Isdi Prankshowers, and Sizet Wealthhounds all lost their lives. Lurit himself was shot and killed by Ked Farmedwonder with a silver bolt, at the age of 25.

Lurit’s journal was saved by the survivors: the swordswoman Ilpi Gemshowered, secretly in love with Lurit; the spearman Ibon Scaldcurious; and the swordsman Ilpi Temptedconvents the Lacy Decency of Smearing, whom Lurit nicknamed Greeneyes.

Ilpi Gemshowered killed Eve, the bandit leader, and run off in pursuit of Ked Farmedwonder, seeking revenge for Lurit’s death. No one heard of her again.

Ibon Scaldcurious went back home to Goodace and became a priest of Sitsu the Greater Controller.

Greeneyes swore never again to take part in violence of any kind, and became a trusted advisor to Lady Lershi Hoistled in Furtiled.

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