Monday 29 November 2010

The Adventures of Lurit Crazysparks, part II: Serving Lady Hoistled

5th of Galena, 683

It was raining when we stopped in a small hamlet in Gomathfikuk, the Legendary Fields, named Sculptedmartyred. We haven’t seen any signs of civilization ever since we left Heavensriddled, and it is quite refreshing to spend a night indoors again.

Now that the jungles of Rabab Ngosted are behind us, we will have to cross Edtulsebshos, the Grooved Mire. The people of Sculptedmartyred say that savage beasts call the mire home. Snailmen roam freely out there, told us a local trader.

I am determined to reach Furtiled, but Osmah isn’t willing to face the snailmen and wants to stay in Sculptedmartyred. I don’t want people to follow me against their will, so I will leave him in the village.

6th of Galena, 683

The peasants of Sculptedmartyred told us the merchants in the neighboring town of Wiltedmobbed would be willing to trade for our loot, so we stopped there.

I traded all the loot I had accumulated so far by a decorated iron great axe and some currency. The great axe is encrusted with white opal and adorned with hanging rings of tiger tooth, and I can’t wait to spill some wretched creature’s blood all over it.

7th of Galena, 683

We had no problem crossing the Grooved Mire. It seems the snailmen already fear the name of Lurit Crazysparks.

We’ll spend the night at Bronzemiles, a small town near the fortress of Goodace, and tomorrow we’ll meet Lord Ala Blowpresent there. Hopefully we’ll be at Furtiled by the noon of the 9th.

8th of Galena, 683

We met Lord Ala, law-giver of the Rustic Confederacy. He already knew about my exploits, and told me that his aunt, Amic Boltsveils, was struck down by Ameli Eaglescarred, my first kill, in the midsummer of 668.

Lord Ala tasked me to rid the surrounding lands of Vinena Smithtempests, a vile fiend responsible for the death of three people. Because its lair was a day’s travel far to the west we decided to meet with Lershi Hoistled at Furtiled first.

It turned out Lady Hoistled wanted us to kill Itha Crowdleaves, the emaciated creature spouse, killer of two.

We decided to deal with Itha first, since her lair, the Shade of Skulls, was only half a day to the southeast.

9th of Galena, 683

Two of Lady Hoistled’s soldiers joined us in our journey to the Shade of Skulls: a lasher named Ebdi Yorobeyed and an axeman named Rusna Insightangel.

An hungry cheetah attacked us just before we reached the lair of the fiend, and Ilpi struck it down.

The creature had placed the remains of its victims at the entrance to its lair, and was waiting for us. As soon as it saw us, it attacked us.

It put up quite a fight, and it was fighting against the eight of us. Adil cut one of its hands off and Eko skewered its foot. I chopped both its arms off, but it kept on fighting for a while until Ilpi finally ended its wretched life with a strike of her shield. I got away with a couple of bruises and a broken ear and Rusna lost a tooth. Adil was the worst of us. His left leg was broken once more.

There wasn’t much of value in the cave, but I found a pair of bronze gauntlets and a large red tourmaline.

10th of Galena, 683

We returned to Furtiled and gave the news to Lady Hoistled. She said that Itha was a test. The real task was to seek Gravetunnel the Cavernous Night and kill Nokor Shadyfaint the Tenebrous Umbral Dusk the emaciated creature. She said that the whole world was watching the outcome.

And once again, eight brave soldiers embarked on a journey to fight the forces of darkness.

11th of Galena, 683

The Rustic Confederacy We reached Gravetunnel before noon. As soon as we entered the lair, the creature attacked us, shouting in its deep raspy voice:

I am Nokor Shadyfaint the Tenebrous Umbral Dusk! Strangler of Lir Tauthot, whose cries for mercy went unheeded by my wrath! Killer of Loli Bendchanneled, whose cries for mercy went unheeded by my wrath! Vanquisher of Okgush Channellulled, whose cries for mercy went unheeded by my wrath! Killer of Bilalo Sparkledgrowl, who sought my praise, only to be rejected in death! Master of Narena Comettwilight, whom I sent back to the home-tree as fertilizer! Prepare to die!

Some of us were a little scared but we fought it anyways. The fiend evaded many our attacks, even when there were five of us surrounding it. Ilpi charged at it and they both fell, the creature dropping its carving knife. It evaded a few strikes by rolling around on the ground, but as soon as it was away from Ilpi, I swung my great axe and cut it in half across the chest.

Lady Hoistled was ecstatic with our success. I discussed continuing to serve the cause of the Rustic Confederacy, and she gave me another quest:

The quest I will now give you will see your name set forever in the stars or lost in the dust as the ages roll. The Rustic Confederacy has been under siege by an ancient force of nature. Cactusvale is far to the west. Seek this place and kill Meden Pantedspurted the Cactus of Twilight the swamp titan.

A swamp titan! We shall bring down that ancient creature, or die trying!

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